- cheque kiting
- виписка чека на кошти, які ще не зараховані на рахунок; фальсифікація чека
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
cheque kiting — UK US noun [U] ► BANKING, LAW UK CHECK KITING(Cf. ↑check kiting) … Financial and business terms
Cheque fraud — Cheque fraud/check fraud refers to a category of criminal acts that involve making the unlawful use of cheques in order to illegally acquire or borrow funds that do not exist within the account balance or account holder s legal ownership. Most… … Wikipedia
Cheque — A Canadian cheque … Wikipedia
kiting — 1) See kite 2) An informal US name for the dishonest practice of improving the apparent cash position in a company s accounts by paying a large cheque on the last day of the accounting period from one of its current accounts into a second current … Big dictionary of business and management
kiting — n passing dud cheques. From the 1980s the term invariably described a deliber ate criminal activity, although it could formerly also refer to issuing a cheque in the hope, possibly ill founded, of finding the funds to support it. The word is part … Contemporary slang
check kiting — ˈcheck ˌkiting noun [uncountable] LAW BANKING when someone illegally obtains credit from one of their bank accounts by paying in a cheque from another account, taking money out against this cheque and using it for a few days before having to… … Financial and business terms
Check kiting — is the illegal act of taking advantage of the float to make use of non existent funds in a checking or other bank account; it is a form of check fraud. It is commonly defined as intentionally writing a check for a value greater than the account… … Wikipedia
Bank fraud — is the use of fraudulent means to obtain money, assets, or other property owned or held by a financial institution. In many instances, bank fraud is a criminal offense. While the specific elements of a particular banking fraud law vary between… … Wikipedia
Float (money supply) — In economics, float is duplicate money present in the banking system during the time between a deposit being made in the recipient s account and the money being deducted from the sender s account. It makes up the smallest part of the money supply … Wikipedia
Scheckreiterei — liegt vor, wenn zwei (oder ggf. mehr) Parteien sich gegenseitig ungedeckte Schecks ausstellen, um sich Liquidität zu beschaffen (engl.: cheque kiting). Der Scheck dient in diesem Fall nicht als Zahlungsmittel, sondern wird zur Kreditbeschaffung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
kite — ▪ I. kite kite 1 [kaɪt] noun fly a kite to make a suggestion, often an unusual one, to find out what people think of it: • He used his speech to fly a policy kite. [m0] ▪ II. kite kite 2 verb [intransitive, transitive] … Financial and business terms